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MÄN's new process training courses for violence prevention

Publicerad 1 december 2020

Typ: Rapporter

In this report, you can read about our work with two new violence prevention courses: process training and process management training. Designed to help local authorities and regions embarking on long-term, sustainable violence prevention work, they draw on MÄN’s long experience of working with violence prevention, both operationally and strategically.

The training courses are part of our work within the LifeCycle Project, an EU- funded project on violence prevention, which is part of a European initiative against gender-based violence. In the project, we have developed our existing approaches, working methods, and materials for violence prevention, resulting in new training concepts. We have also explored where in people’s lives we can best have an effect in order to bring a greater systematics and sustainability to violence prevention work. The project funding enables us to pool experiences and communication initiatives, and thus to share lessons learnt from our work in Sweden with other countries in Europe.