MÄN is one of the partners behind MenCare, a global campaign that focuses on the role of fathers as caregivers in more than 40 countries on five continents. The campaign encourages men to be more present in their children's lives and perform more care work by informing and educating men, conducting research and raising awareness.
In 2015, MenCare published the report 'State of the World's Fathers' – a pioneering global study on men's contributions as parents. MÄN co-launched the report in Sweden with Save the Children. Since that first report, a follow-up report has been published every other year. The fourth, most recent 'State of the World's Fathers' was released in June 2021. It contains specific advocacy suggestions and practical recommendations – based on the invaluable work of feminists, women's rights organisation and social justice organisations around the world – on how to advance empathy, equality, environmental sustainability and economic justice in a post-pandemic world. Among other recommendations, the report called for implementing:
A national caregiving policy, with campaigns acknowledging the work done by women, calling for a more equal division of care work, and making suggestions on how individuals and the state can help make this happen.
A national policy of paid parental leave for all parents (with safeguards for parents' employment), to transform gendered parenting patterns, support all parents in their roles as carers, and create a permanent, lifelong shift towards more equal caregiving.
In 2019, MÄN and the international organisation Promundo co-wrote the report 'State of Nordic Fathers' (a publication commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers). It explored Scandinavian parents' views on issues like care work, parental leave, relationships and norms.