Type Annual reports Reports Toolkits
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Published 2024
"We need to talk" is a practical guide for reflective group conversations about masculinity and relationships. This is a guide that will help you organize reflective group conversations about masculinity and relationships. The guide is
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Published 2022
In 2013, MÄN launched the Sida-funded project “Men in Belarus” together with two Belarusian organisations. The project’s goal was to achieve a nationwide and sustainable system contributing to fathers’ increased involvement in their children’s
Published 2021
Published 2020
En este informe hablamos de cómo hemos ampliado el trabajo de nuestros grupos de papás, y en poco tiempo hemos construido estructuras para poder extender la creación de grupos de papás en todo el país de Suecia. *** The content of this publication
In this report, you can read about our work with two new violence prevention courses: process training and process management training. Designed to help local authorities and regions embarking on long-term, sustainable violence prevention work, they
This report has been developed within the framework for MÄN’s project The Life Cycle, funded by the EU, where Unizon is a partnership organization. The Life Cycle is a project within violence prevention which has been active since 2018. Within this
Did you know that in families with young children, mothers are off sick twice as much as fathers? And that it stays that way until the children turn 18? It is just one of the many effects of living with inequality, in a society where often most of
This is a thematic report that summarizes a part of the Life Cycle project, an EU-financed project that focuses on lifelong violence prevention, what we call a life cycle perspective. This report summarizes lessons learnt from this project, giving
The work with En kommun fri från våld (A municipality free from violence) is part of the project Livscykeln (Life cycle), which is financed through the EU Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014–2020. In Livscykeln, we focus on long term work