Evaluator for a MTR of the regional REDEFINE programme Terms of Reference for Mid-term Programme EvaluationProgramme name: REDEFINE – Gender transformative work with men and boys in Eastern Europe and South CaucasusAssignment includes: Desk reviewProcess lead and methodology designInterviews and meetings (physical and digital) with MÄN, regional programme partners and target groupsValidation workshop with all programme partnersReport writingDeadline for tender (in either Swedish or English): 8 JanuaryDeadline for evaluation assignment (full report): 19 SeptemberContact: REDEFINE programme managers Maria Ristinmaa (maria.ristinmaa@mfj.se), Adam Kero (adam.kero@mfj.se)BackgroundREDEFINE is a five-year regional programme (2023-2027) run by MÄN together with five partner organisations from the EESC-region (Armenia, Belarus (in exile), Georgia and Moldova) and funded by The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The programme aims to engage men and boys for gender equality and against violence across the region. Since the programme started, the regional partner organisations have initiated and developed gender-transformative work with men and boys in their respective contexts. The five partners are experienced & progressive organisations working against violence, for women's rights and/or with young people, but working specifically with men and boys is quite new for most of them. The programme therefore puts a lot of emphasis on experience exchange (among the partners, with MÄN and other relevant actors), capacity development and developing contextualised methods and tools. The partner organisations are carrying out a wide range of activities aiming at challenging stereotypical masculinity norms and preventing violence, such as facilitating conversation/discussion groups for fathers and young men, carrying out trainings for men in gender equality and violence prevention, creating media content to engage men in conversations about equality and building online platforms providing psychosocial support to young men.An external midterm evaluation is planned for spring 2025, with the goal to assess the progress of the REDEFINE programme towards its overall objective and expected outcomes. The evaluation should be finalised by early fall 2025 to inform the planning of partners’ activities and the joint REDEFINE work for 2026 as well as the remaining programme period.Programme Objective and Expected Outcomes (2023 – 2027)Programme Objective:Targeted civil society actors in the Eastern Europe and South Caucasus region are effectively engaging men for gender equality, in redefining masculinity norms and in violence prevention, to ensure women’s rights and security.Expected Outcomes:1) Partner organisations in the EESC region have increased their strategic and operational capacity in working with engaging men for gender equality and against men’s violence2) Targeted men in the EESC region take more responsibility for care and for unpaid domestic work3) Targeted men and boys in the EESC region challenge stereotypical masculinity norms and perceptions and are committed to prevent violence against women4) Feminist-informed psycho-social support is accessible for targeted men and boys in the EESC regionPurpose and Scope of the EvaluationThe purpose of the evaluation is to assess to what extent the REDEFINE programme is moving towards its overall objective and expected outcomes, and to identify key achievements and results so far. The purpose is also to explore how programme partners (MÄN and regional partner organisations) have contributed to the results.The evaluation should also provide recommendations for strengthened and improved practices in relation to achieving results and highlight good practice for future impactSpecifically, the evaluator is asked to:Review the progress of programme partners’ work in relation to the current programme RBM-matrix.Evaluate how the programme and programme partners have contributed to achievement of results.Identify gaps and lessons learned in relation to results, achievements and future sustainability.The assignment is a mid-term evaluation and the evaluator should keep in mind the preliminary status of the results and that the evaluation should assess the trajectory of the project so far.Timeline and DeliverablesThe evaluator is expected to carry out the evaluation and complete a written report by 19th of September 2025 at the latest. The evaluator will be expected to provide MÄN and regional programme partners with requests for information and meetings in good time during the assignment period.MÄN are responsible to provide the evaluator with documents and reports, and to be available to share further information, answer questions and participate in meetings and interviews when relevant.All tenders are to be submitted by 8th of January 2025. Tenders in both English and Swedish are accepted.Tentative timeline for the evaluation assignment:8 January: The consultant submits a tender which includes a suggested methodology, a detailed timeline with required interventions for data collection and how hours will be allocated over the course of the evaluation period.20/21 January: Intro meeting with MÄN programme managers.3 February: The consultant submits an updated plan for the assignment, to be approved by MÄN and regional programme partners.March to June: Desk review and data collection (interviews/focus groups), digitally and on-site (tentatively 1-2 on-site visits in programme countries, one in conjunction with a regional partner meeting planned for Chisinau in May 2025).April: Progress update meeting with MÄN programme managers.1 September: The consultant submits a written draft report (in English) including findings, conclusions and recommendations based on the evaluation.8 September: MÄN programme managers provides written feedback on the report.10 September: The consultant facilitates a validation meeting of the evaluation findings with all programme partners.19 September: The consultant submits a final evaluation report.MethodologyThe proposal submitted by the consultant, shall include a description of the approach and methodology that the evaluator intends to use to achieve the objectives of the assignment. The evaluation shall include a review of relevant programme documents, findings from outcome harvesting workshops with all the regional partner organisations and interviews with representatives from partners, beneficiaries as well as Sida program manager. Interviews and/or focus groups should be conducted digitally but also on-site in 1-2 programme countries. The method for data collection shall be designed by the evaluator, but in cooperation and with input from MÄN programme managers, Sida, and the partner group. The methodology should be as participatory as possible and be based on involvement of all partner organisations.Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe evaluator will be contracted by Män för Jämställdhet (MÄN). Any questions or complications should be directed to programme managers Maria Ristinmaa and Adam Kero, who will be responsible for answering any questions and handling the process.MÄN and the evaluator will plan logistics and arrangements for international travels jointly. MÄN is responsible for providing the evaluator with all relevant project documentation and contacts with programme partners. In any external contact, the evaluator represents her-/himself in her/his professional role, but not as a representative of the programme or programme partners. Any foreseen limitations to the evaluation should be made explicit in written to MÄN. Guiding Principles and ValuesMÄN is guided by values based on feminist theory and a gender and power analyses. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) have been drawn up by all the participating partners in the programme, stating the programme agreed guiding principles and what it means to implement them in practice. The MoU is attached to this document (Annex III).We expect the evaluator to have read this document and fully understand its content. Being able to relate to these principles and values is crucial for assessing to what extent partners understand, share, and implement them in their work, and for the relevance of the recommendations.Materials and documentation from the mid-term review will be subject to a non-disclosure agreement. All information regarding the programme needs to be handled with discretion and respect for the personal integrity and security of informants and affiliated persons.Budget and Payment ProcedureThe allocated amount for the assignment is 300 000 SEK including VAT for the whole period, including all expenses (exception: accommodation, flights and transport costs related to travel for a regional partner meeting in Moldova in May 2025 and potentially one additional on-site visit will be covered by the REDEFINE-programme). The proposal for the assignment needs to be priced accordingly in order to be considered.Payment will be made in two instalments: the first (50%) following approval of an updated plan for the assignment, and the remaining (50%) following approval of the final evaluation report. Payment will be made upon issuance of an invoice.Professional QualificationThe evaluator is expected to have documented experience in:Evaluating international development cooperation projectsEvaluating and providing feedback for NGO partnership relationsUnderstanding Sida expectations regarding result-based management and evaluationExperience of working on masculinities, gender equality, gender norms and gender-based violenceProficiency in writing reports in EnglishAdditional relevant competencies are:Contextual knowledge and experience from working in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus region.Structure and Submission GuidelinesThe bid should include:1. Contact information to submitting organization/individual and name of the author of the proposal.2. Summary of competencies that will make the person(s) suitable to provide the service.3. A draft of the timeline and methodology used to complete the assignment.4. Evaluators availability for the period January – September 2024.We expect the bid to be described in a single (1) page + 1-2 pages description of competencies and be submitted by the 8th of January at the latest via e-mail to adam.kero@mfj.se and maria.ristinmaa@mfj.se.Additional References or ResourcesDelivered on request. Contact adam.kero@mfj.se and maria.ristinmaa@mfj.se.Annex 1. REDEFINE programme applicationAnnex 2. Programme results matrixAnnex 3. Memorandum of Understanding Sök jobbet