Father group (online) - for English speaking participants

2 maj 18:00

MÄN’s father groups provide an opportunity to reflect on questions such as: How am I as a caregiver? How am I as a co-parent? What responsibility do I take in parenthood?

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During four sessions, we talk about parenthood, gender equality, relationships and children's needs and future. It doesn't matter if you have one or several co-parents, together or separated - it's open for all fathers. The main focus of the sessions is always with consideration of the needs and interest of the child. 

Read more at män.se/pappagrupper. (english available)

Co-ordinator of the group
Erik Guvå

Digital meeting, link is sent to participants. 

Date and time
– Start: Thursday 2 May 18.00-20.00
– Four Thursdays every other week – same time and place

Varmt välkomna!

2 maj
18:00 - 20:00